Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday HW!

Tonight, please complete the following on the front page of your 2.3 problem set (last homework from 2.3!):

Page 159-161: 57, 59, 65, 67, 89, 91
  • For 57 and 59 use repeated synthetic division to "get down to" a quadratic
    • Then, factor this quadratic...
    • Now, write the original polynomial in its completely factored form
    • Finally, use this completely factored form to find all the zeros of the polynomial
  • For 65 and 67...
    • First, use a graphing calculator to find one of the exact zeros (find one that's a whole number!)
    • Next, use synthetic division to rewrite the polynomial as a product of a linear and quadratic term
    • Now, use the quadratic formula (or factor, if possible) to find the remaining zeros from the quadratic factor!
  • For 89, 91...
    • This is some factoring review! Do some research about "factoring quadratics" for help!
Tomorrow in class we will do some classwork and maybe start section 2.4; then, on Friday, we will start class with a quick (20 minute) quiz on section 2.3! This homework is direct practice for that quiz, so put in a strong effort! 

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