Friday, February 26, 2016

The WkND

Happy Friday!

Hope you aced your test today! I'll have those graded pretty the latest, you'll get them back on Thursday (after SAT day)--it all depends on when people make them up!

As for this weekend, no homework!

We'll be starting some new stuff on Monday--quadratics! You (hopefully) remember lots of this from your past math classes!

Want some extra credit? Use the internet, Google, your memory, your textbook (section 2.1), and/or some old notes to answer each of the following on separate paper:

Page 95:

  • 1-8: Match each graph to the correct equation
  • 19, 21: Find the x-intercepts and the vertex of the parabola (by hand or using a graphing calculator)
  • 65: Use your graphing calculator to find the minimum cost!
Page A61 (appendix in the back of the book)
  • 83 (solve by factoring)
  • 85 (solve by factoring)
  • 89 (move all terms to one side, solve by factoring)
  • 93 (solve by taking square roots...)
  • 95 (solve by taking square roots...)
If you do this extra credit, not only will you boost your grade, but you'll have a head start in understanding the math we're covering next week! Get on it!

Oh....and I might even make some or all of these Monday night's homework anyway...

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