Friday, February 19, 2016

Weekend HW = Take Home Quiz!

This weekend please complete the take home quiz (12 multiple choice) provided in class (or below).

Most of these concepts have been covered in class, but some have not--you know this stuff! If you get stuck, use the examples in section 1.6 of your textbook (or do some Googling) for help!

Take Home Quiz: Where to Look for Help:

  1. Take a look at our classwork with the initials! Or, look at the tables on page 63.
  2. Here, you have to verify if the functions are inverses using compositions; check examples 3 and 4 on page 64! 
    • If not, you have to find the inverse: look at examples 7,8, and 9 on page 67-68!
  3. Remember, inverse functions should be symmetric around y=x; or, if the point (-3,0) is on one graph, the point (0,-3) should be on the inverse!
  4. See #3
  5. To have an inverse, a function must pass the horizontal line test (remember?); check out the "graphical solution" on the bottom of page 66
  6. See #5
  7. To find an inverse, we have to switch x and y, then solve for y! (Check out examples 7,8, and 9 on page 67-68!)
  8. See #5
  9. See #7
  10. See#7
  11. See #7
  12. (This is the toughest problem--for now, it's a bonus; we'll go over this on Monday)
Lastly, here are the questions in case you lost your paper!

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