Tuesday, September 13, 2016

2's Day HW!

Tonight, please complete the following in your "textbook"-- the packet I gave you in class, or the PDF version of the book linked on the right.

Page 135: 53 - 56 **Notice I am making up my own directions for these questions! See below**

  • For 53 to 56....
    1. First, find the x-intercepts by looking at the graph; then, find the x-intercepts by hand (without the graph) by factoring
    2. Next, find the vertex by looking at the graph; then, find the vertex by hand and be sure it matches the vertex on the graph!
    3. Check your answers by making sure your vertex and x-intercepts match those on the graph!
    4. You MUST show all of the work for the x-intercepts and vertex for each problem to receive homework credit! I'm definitely checking this homework since I forgot to check today!
Tomorrow we'll continue to work in 2.1 with quadratic functions....see you there!

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