Friday, September 2, 2016

Weekend HW

Weekend Homework: you must have your entire summer assignment completed by Tuesday! This will be counted as 3 homework grades!
  • We will have a unit 1 TEST NEXT FRIDAY based on all of the content covered in your summer assignment/unit 1!
  • If you look at the links on the right you can find a PDF version of our textbook so you can access it online any time! The sections for the summer assignment are listed, so use these section numbers and your textbook to help you complete the summer assignment!
    • Precalculus requires you to be active in your own learning--it is your responsibility to use your resources to refresh your memory on these skills! 
Also, if you did not do so yet, please be sure to SIGN UP FOR KHAN ACADEMY! (HW grade)
  • Choose the Khan link on the right
  • Sign up (or log in if you already have an account)
  • Choose the "Coaches" tab in your profile.
  • In "Add a coach" enter the class code: XR9ZWQ
  • Please use your real name so I know who to give credit to! 
Next week we will use Tuesday and Wednesday to review some unit 1 topics, then it's STAR Thursday and a test on Friday! Be ready! Be productive this weekend, but also enjoy it! See you Tuesday!

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