Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Holidays!

It's finally winter break! We definitely deserve it. Hopefully you all got an A on the test we finished today!

Please be sure to complete the review packet this week. This will be counted as a grade! Do your best, and circle any problems you don't understand--this will give us a starting point for a little bit of review when we're back.

When you're not working on PreCalc, rest up, relax, and enjoy your time off. Spend time with friends and family.

Thank you all for your hard work thus far. I'm loving teaching PreCalc, and a big part of that is all of you. So thanks :)

As always, feel free to email with any questions. See you all on Thursday, 1/3! (For some matrices and systems of equations!)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Study again!

Tomorrow you will have 15 minutes to complete your it's probably a good idea to take a look at your notes and review anything you weren't sure about today.

**A tip about the "hole" or point of discontinuity question....after you find what "cancels" and determine the x-coordinate of the hole, you have to use the simplified form of the rational equation to substitute and find the y-value. **

After we finish our test you'll have some time to start your review packet (that will be completed over break). See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Test Tomorrow!

Study, study, study!

Hopefully the chaos that was "Bingo" today helped you out a little. Feel free to email me and I can send back an attachment with the questions and answers so you can study.

Remember, tomorrow's test includes complex numbers, real and imaginary zeros, and rational functions. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Half Snow Day!!!

PreCalc tomorrow....

Tonight, please complete two webs using the following functions:

I will randomly generate a number to choose one of the two webs to grade. So get an A on both!

Good luck! See you all for some rational function bingo tomorrow!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday's HW....

Good work today!

Tonight, please graph the 5 functions we used for our matching. (Hopefully you recorded your matching answers to save some time on your homework!).

If you weren't here or were absent, here are the functions...

Also, if you were out, you need to create a table with the following info for each of the functions above (this was Monday's classwork...)

  • List each function (in order), then provide the information required using the table structure/headings below.

Function:          Vertical Asymptotes:          Horizontal Asymptotes:          Zeros:          Y-Intercepts:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Play in the Snow!

I bet you can top this kid's snowman...

This weekend, complete two webs. Use the functions below: On Monday I'll provide some answer keys so that we can check our work...t

Functions for Webs:

And in case you lost your webs, here's what you need to provide for each function (make your own web!):

  • Y-Intercept
  • X-Intercept(s)
  • Horizontal Asymptote
  • Vertical Asymptote(s)
  • Domain
  • Range
  • "Additional Points"--table of values from your calculator
  • Sketch of the function

Enjoy your weekend ya'll. See you lunes.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Here's tonight's homework....

Page 148: 7-12, 31, 33 (Remember, to find the zeros of a rational function we set the numerator equal to 0 and solve for x).

Period D: You also need to finish the web we started in class. Good luck!

Tomorrow we'll get back to rational functions and fill out some webs! Woooo!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wed nes day HW

More rational functions tomorrow! Wooohooooo!

Tonight, please complete the worksheet provided in class dealing with shifting and reflecting rational functions. Tomorrow we'll recap these ideas, and then start to move into more complicated rational functions. Exciting!

See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Quiz tomorrow!

Don't forget, quiz on section 2.5 (real and imaginary zeros) tomorrow! Use your packet (last night's homework) to help you study!

Tonight, please use the following problems to help you study...(I won't check this, these are just similar to what you'll see on the quiz)...

Page 141: 47, 53, 35 

See you all tomorrow!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday HW!

Tonight, please finish the packet we started in class...tomorrow we'll go through the answers and answer any questions you have. Then, we'll take a quiz on this stuff Wednesday.

After we address any questions on the packet, we'll start some new stuff tomorrow--rational functions!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Who loves the fundamental theorem of Algebra?

Alberto does. I do.

Good work this week everyone! Keep it up!

This weekend, please complete the following:   Page 140: 1, 15, 19, 25, 35, 37

We're aiming to have a quiz on this stuff (section 2.5) on Tuesday. On Monday we'll do some practice to get ready, and then hopefully move on to rational functions on Wednesday.

Enjoy your weekend! And rest up--we have lots of work to do for the next 2 weeks!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Quiz tomorrow!

Tomorrow we'll have a short quiz about complex numbers--nothing fancy or complex, I'll just read a few questions out loud and have you work on them. I'm thinking 15 minutes max.

Period A--sorry about all the chaos in class. That's my bad. Tomorrow will be more structured. We have a lot to cover.

We'll get deeper into the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra tomorrow and start to do some problems--our goal is to get this all finished and have a quiz on Tuesday.

See you manana!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

When's day!

This is my jam...

Tonight's homework:

1. Please complete the 18 multiple choice questions we started in class.

2. Complete the following two problems in your textbook:
Page 133: 49, 53 (for 53, multiply each by conjugate, then combine)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2's Day...

No homework tonight! Hopefully you really enjoyed the STAR test today....

Tomorrow we'll get back to our work with complex numbers (just quickly looking at division), and then we'll move on to finding real and imaginary zeros of polynomials. Be ready to work!

Enjoy your afternoon!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Back to Work!

We have 3 weeks of hard work before our next ready!

Tonight, please complete the following for homework: 
page 133: 9,15,19,23,29,31,33

Good luck! I'm checking tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all dominated the test today! It was a long one....sorry about that.

If you were out today you will have to make up the test within the first few days after break. 

For those of us who are done the test, use this time to rest up. Rejuvenate. And come back ready to work on Monday--we have a lot to cover in our 3 weeks before the holiday break, so we'll be working pretty hard.

No homework for the I said, just mentally prepare yourself....

On Monday we'll start with the Unit 2B Pre-Test. We have to finish this unit in about 2 weeks.

If you're feeling ambitious, here's Monday's homework (regarding imaginary numbers):

Page 133: 9, 15, 19, 23, 29, 31, 33, 47, 49, 51

Monday, November 25, 2013

Test Tomorrow!

Study! Then, study more! Then, study again! Keep studying!

We have our "Unit 2A" test tomorrow--on sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. Be ready!

You will be able to use a graphing calculator on any problems.

I will not check any homework tomorrow--you can just use the problems on the worksheet assigned in class to help you study.

Good luck!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Test Tuesday!

Good work today!

This weekend, please complete the following in your textbook (some practice for Monday's test...):

Page 124: 31, 33, 45-48

*Period A: notice I changed the original assignment!

Enjoy! See you all Monday!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sorry it's late!

Sorry about the late post everyone (it's currently 4:49)...

Tonight, please complete the following for homework: page 123: 13-21 (odd).

Good luck! You all seem pretty confident with long and synthetic division--keep up the good work! Tomorrow we'll start to learn why and how we use this stuff.

Remember, if you're looking for some more practice, there are links to some practice problems on the right. These give you some problems to try before the test, along with the correct answers and an outline of how to do each problem.

See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Quiz Tmrw!

Don't forget...quiz tomorrow! And you can't use a graphing calculator! Here's what's on it...
1. Find a polynomial given its zeros.
2. Describe end behavior of a polynomial.
3. Find zeros (factor!) of a polynomial.
4. Graph a polynomial (find zeros, y-intercept, end-behavior, consider multiplicity--bounce or cross, and find coordinates of additional points).

Tonight, practice some long division...please complete the following for homework:  Page 123: 3, 5, 7

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Back tomorrow!

I hope you've all had a productive two days with the substitute(s). I apologize for missing two days--I know you guys wanted to get right into long and synthetic division of polynomials :) I'll be back tomorrow!

Here's the plan for the next few days...

  • Tomorrow (Wednesday): we'll start section 2.3, long division and synthetic division
  • Thursday: no-calculator quiz (graphing polynomials, end-behavior, writing polynomials, zeros/factoring); then,we'll get back to 2.3
  • Friday: finish section 2.3/practice
  • Monday: review/practice 2.3
  • Tuesday: Unit Test--2.1 to 2.3
I'm looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow! I'll get all of your sub work sorted out and graded tomorrow so we can see some updated grades. I hope you're ready to work!

**If you owe me any outstanding work, please try to get it in by the weekend, or at the latest by TUESDAY. This includes any quizzes to be made up.**

Friday, November 15, 2013

It's the Weekend!

Great work today everyone! I appreciate all of your hard work! Keep it up!

This weekend, please complete the following in your textbook:  Page 109: 53, 55, 57, 61, 65, 69, 71

We'll be graphing polynomials (by hand) in class on Monday, so this homework provides some good practice. For the four graphs (61,65,69,71) make sure you consider/calculate each of the following:
Determine end behavior
Find y-intercept
Find x-intercepts/zeros (factor!)
Plot additional points
Consider multiplicity

Sketch the graph!

See you all Monday!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's Thursday!

Thursday! One more day until the's supposed to be pretty nice today, so go outside!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:   Page 108: 1-8, 17, 21, 23

If you'd like to get a head start for the weekend, here's the weekend homework:
Page 109: 53, 55,57, 61, 65, 69, 71

     Remember, I'm hoping/planning to give you your section 2.2 quiz on Tuesday! And you won't be able to use a graphing calculator!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hump Dayyyyyyyy

Tonight, please complete the investigation of the end behavior of polynomial functions. Don't forget, it's a 20 point classwork grade! Remember, I'm grading the first 3 pages for completion, and the last page for content. Use your notes to answer #1. Question #2 is just brainstorming for 3, so you might actually leave #2 blank.

Also, don't forget you can check your ideas for the last question in the textbook--check out the leading coefficient test on page 101!

In case you lost the equations, here they are...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

No homework tonight!

Not much to post homework tonight!

Be ready to do some more work with polynomial functions this week...tomorrow we'll start to explore the end behavior of polynomial functions with Mr. Cawley. Woo!

Friday, November 8, 2013

3 Day Weekend!

Hopefully you got an A on your quiz today! Mr. Cawley will be in on Wednesday; he'll grade these then, and you'll get them back Thursday (just so you know...)

Here's the homework for this weekend...

Page 108: 9, 11 (sketch a parent function and then sketch a shifted/reflected graph based on this)

Page 111: 99 - 104 (combinations of functions review)

page 111: 107 (just solve, don't graph the inequalities)

A couple other things to consider....

  • If you were not happy with your factoring grade you can retake a different version of the factoring quiz. Of course I would recommend you come to me for some help first, so that you can fix any misconceptions/mistakes you're making. If you do want to retake the quiz it must be done by the end of next week (also known as Friday).
  • This is a rare extra credit opportunity....
    • It'll count as an extra credit homework (so it'll save you from a future 0, almost like a homework pass, AND 2 stamps...)
    • A hint--the numbers in this problem are messy (decimals/fractions and such...)
      • Graph the following quadratic (by hand, showing all of the work) and provide the information listed: f(x) = -4(x^2) + 7x - 3

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Quadratics Quiz Tomorrow!


Tomorrow we have our 2.1 quiz...after that, we'll start looking at some stuff with polynomial functions. You will not have the entire period to work on your quiz...

Here's a breakdown of what's on it:

  • Convert forms (see the images below)--vertex/standard to polynomial form, and polynomial form to vertex/standard form
  • Application--real world problems
  • Find x-intercepts
    • Factor OR
    • Quadratic formula OR
    • solve with square roots
  • Graph quadratics
    • Find x-intercepts
    • Find y-intercept
    • Find the vertex
    • Plot these and sketch a parabola
That's it! Here are the problems we looked at today, with the solutions. Remember, I'd expect you to do the real world application problems on your calculator.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wins day

Quadratics (2.1) quiz Friday!

Tonight, please complete the "webs" for the 3 quadratics provided in class. In case you lost the papers, remember you need to find the x-intercepts, y-intercept, vertex, and sketch the graph for each quadratic below.

1. f(x) = -(x^2) + 1

2. f(x) = -(x^2) + 6x - 8

3. f(x) = 2(x^2) + 8x + 7

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday/Tuesday HW...

First day of the second quarter! Woooo!

Enjoy your mini-vacation ready to do some work Wednesday...

For homework, please complete the following:       Page 95: 13 - 25 (odd)

For each quadratic given, find the x-intercepts and vertex (it's also a good idea to find the y-intercept). Then, plot each of these points and sketch the parabola that passes through them.

Also, remember that to find the x-intercepts you will either have to...

  1. Factor OR
  2. Use the quadratic formula OR
  3. Solve using square roots AND
  4. You can always check your answers using your graphing calculator.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Grades are on the right...

We're off to a great start to the year! I'm so proud of all of you for all your hard work and especially for our most recent test grades. I'm truly impressed--keep up the consistency, commitment, and work ethic as we move forward into the second quarter!

We'll be going a little faster in the second quarter and at the same time getting into some tougher math...just keep doing what you're doing and you'll all be fine!

This weekend, do your homework! It counts as double since it's the first homework assignment of the quarter!

Weekend homework: complete the "Solving Quadratic Equations" worksheet provided in class.

I won't accept any late assignments--it's Monday or never! Start off on the right foot! Email me if you weren't there and I'll send you a copy as an attachment (so you can start off with a 100% instead of a 0!)

Enjoy your weekend! See you Monday!

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Here's your job tonight and this weekend: to make sure you can FACTOR!

Use the interactive textbook (link on the right) to review some factoring. Or, watch some youtube whatever outside research you need to do to get some help! Don't just ignore this topic!

Tonight, please complete the 12 factoring problems provided in class. You do not need to name the type of factoring; instead, just do the math and factor each.

Tomorrow I will check this homework along with last night's homework (15 more factoring problems). I will also provide you with answer keys for each to use these problems as a resource.

These will be your last two grades (homework grades of course) for the first quarter! Good luck!

**If you actually checked the blog, prove it....write down the poll question and the poll options on a piece of paper, bring it in tomorrow, and I will give you 3 bonus points on a quiz grade! Keep this to yourself! Don't give this information to people who don't check the blog, or I won't continue to do things like this! It's for the people who are responsible and check this site ONLY!**

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Did you "ace" the test today?

Happy Wednesday! Hopefully you're feeling confident about today's test...I'll have them all graded for you by Friday at the latest...

Tonight, get ready for some factoring (tomorrow)...please complete the 15 factoring problems provided in class. This is a fundamental skill for us, as we'll be exploring quadratics and will need to find the x-intercepts using factoring (and other methods).

*Numbers 6 and 11 are not factorable...the rest of them are...


See you manana!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! Your only homework it to prepare to ace tomorrow's test and end the first quarter on a high note!

Here's a breakdown of some of the questions on tomorrow's test...primarily sections 1.5 to 1.7, some 1.4

  • Find (f + g), (f - g), (fg), and/or (f/g) (Combinations of Functions)
  • Evaluate (ex: (f + g)(2))
  • Compositions of functions
  • Use compositions to determine if two functions are inverses
  • Find the inverse of a function (switch x, y and solve for y)
  • Graph f(x), f inverse, and y=x
  • Determine if a function is one-to-one (horizontal line test)
  • Shifting of functions
  • Linear Regression (Line of Best Fit)
    • Find the equation and correlation (r)
    • Interpret correlation (strength and direction)
    • Solve for y given a value of x
    • Solve for x given a value of y
Good luck! I hope you all get an A+!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Back to work!

Another start to another week! Yay!

Tonight, please complete the "Population of East Hartford" activity (if you didn't already in class).

Period A: In addition, please complete the 5 questions using a line of best fit to predict the temperature (in Fahrenheit) based on the number of chirps (per second) of a ground cricket.

The regression equation (part b) is below--use this to check your response and complete questions c,d and e.
Equation y = 3.244x + 26.012

Just a couple other reminders...
  1. Test Wednesday!
  2. STAMPS are due Thursday! Make sure you count (twice), write the total on the front, and staple/paper clip them together. Or, some students in the past have put their stamps in an envelope or ziploc bag. I only need the actual "stamp," in case it's in your notes--I don't want to take a page of your notes!

Friday, October 25, 2013

It's the weekend!

Have a great weekend! Enjoy the sunny but chilly weather, maybe watch some World Series baseball, and hopefully check in on the Giants winning their second straight game.

Sorry I was a bit disorganized in today's lesson....the gnome costume threw me off....

This weekend, please complete the following questions regarding linear regression (lines of best fit). These were given to you on a handout in class; if you lost it, the questions are below:

The following table gives the time spent on a job (in years) and the amount of money earned (in dollars):


a. Write an equation for the linear regression.
b. What is the value of the correlation, r? Interpret its meaning (comment on the strength and direction of the correlation).
c. Use your equation from (b) to find the earnings for an employee who has spent 7 years at this company.
d. Find the earnings for an employee who has worked for 6 months.
e. How long would we estimate an employee has worked at the company if he/she earns $34,000?

f . How long would you expect an employee to work before they earn $100,000?

Here are some tips for using your calculator (for questions a and b):
Finally, here are the answers to your homework, so you can make sure you're doing everything correctly:
a.  y = 2,000x + 20,000
b.  r = 1; this is a perfect (strongest possible), positive correlation. As time spend on a job increases, so does the amount of money earned.
c. y = 2,000(7) + 20,000 = $34,000
d. y = 2,000(0.5) + 20,000 = $21,000
e. 34,000 = 2,000x + 20,000; x = 7 years
f. 100,000 = 2,000x + 20,000; x = 40 years

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Enjoy your half day and extended afternoon!

While you're enjoying it, please complete the activity we started in class today regarding the graphs of inverse functions. Remember, this is an 18 point classwork don't forget to finish it up and bring it to class!

Also, if you were absent Tuesday, you need to complete the 1.6 Practice: Inverse Functions worksheet and bring it in tomorrow. Don't forget!

Tomorrow we finally wrap up Unit 1 with some linear regression....I'm pumped!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hump Dayyyyy!

So....about that homework....

Tonight, please finish the homework assigned yesterday with the sub. You need to complete the circled problems on the photocopied page from your textbook. If you lost the paper, no are the problems below...

Page 69: 21-24, 29,31,33,35, 53-62, 67, 68  (this is a lot...if you were on afield trip yesterday you can finish all of these for Friday, just show me some progress tomorrow. But ONLY if you were on the field trip.)

Hopefully you're already done with that.

You also need to find the inverse of each function below:

1. f(x) = (x + 3)/(x - 2)

2. f(x) = (2x + 3)/(x - 1)

Finally, for those of you who were out yesterday, please complete the "1.6 Practice: Inverse Functions" worksheet for Friday. This will be collected and graded.

Enjoy! See you tomorrow!

(Short quiz tomorrow?....probably...)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Back to the grind...

Back to work!

There's no homework tonight (Monday). However, you'll have a bunch if you'd like to get a head start and have less (or no) homework tomorrow, here's what you'll have to do...

Tuesday HW:
Page 70: 21-24, 29, 31, 33, 53-62, 67, 68

Friday, October 18, 2013


We made it through a short week (but I think it felt longer than 4 days...)

This weekend, practice some inverse stuff....please complete:

Page 69: 1-8

A few more things...if you were absent or just didn't do some prior homeworks, this weekend gives you an opportunity to make up for that. You can complete the homework checked Thursday and then also Friday to get rid of any "0's" you might have.

If you were absent yesterday (Thursday), you also need to complete the homework assignment below (and show me Wednesday's homework too if you didn't do that!)

HW checked Thursday: page 59: 55 - 61

HW checked Friday: Page 69: 9a, 11a, 13a, 15, 17, 19

***Anyone who did not do these originally can turn in these problems on Monday to receive full credit. However, neither of these assignments will be accepted after Monday.

Finally, you also have the opportunity to do an "extra credit" homework assignment. This would replace a prior zero you might have (or, if you don't have any zeros, this will just be extra homework points):

If you like, complete the two graphs provided in class. You are given the graphs of f and g, and asked to graph (f + g)(x). This must be turned in Monday. After Monday, this also will not be accepted (for extra credit):

1. Look at page 58, #'s 1 and 3. These are the same types of questions, and you can use the answers in the back of the book to help you figure out the solution.
2. Create a table of values with the heading below...this will help you consider which points to plot for the graph of (f + g)(x):
                            X values:                f(x):              g(x):               (f + g)(x):

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday's Homework...

Tonight, enjoy some inverse functions!

For each problem listed, find the compositions to determine if the two functions given are, in fact, inverses of one another (if so, the compositions should equal x--the identity function).

Verifying Inverses:
Page 69: 9a, 11a, 13a, 15, 17, 19

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday and Wednesday

PreCalc's the homework plan for today and tomorrow...

Tuesday Homework:
page 59: 55 - 61

*For period A this will be checked on Thursday (no class tomorrow)*

Wednesday Homework:

Tomorrrow in period D we'll do an activity regarding compositions of functions. Then, on Thursday we'll start section 1.6--inverse functions--in both classes. Get pumped up!

Enjoy your afternoon!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Long Weekend!

I hope you all enjoyed your day at the pep rally and are ready for a nice long, relaxing weekend.

There isn't too much homework--just complete the worksheet regarding combinations and compositions of functions that we started in class. A little later in the weekend I'll post all of the answers for you to check your work. This homework is more about your own practice than about "credit." On Monday you'll have a 24 point assignment based on the same stuff--so make sure you know what you're doing!

Remember, you can always use the interactive textbook (linked on the right) if you need more practice or help!

See you all Tuesday! Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


For many of you, tomorrow will be an early morning of fun with your friends and school spirit. Enjoy it! Have fun, but be safe! And try not to wake up too early!

Tonight, please complete the following (since most of you had time to get a significant chunk done in class, I'm DEFINITELY going to check this)...

page 59: 35-38, 45, 47.

Here are the problems if you don't feel like using your book/carrying it around...


I hope you all got an A on today's test!

For the 499312 of you who were absent, you'll have to make it up as soon as possible. (within the next 3 school days)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Test Tomorrow!

Tomorrow's a big day....test day!

Make sure you STUDY. Use the interactive textbook (linked on the right) to help. Look at old tests and quizzes from sections 1.1,1.2,1.3, and 1.4. Put in the work to do well--tomorrow will have a significant impact on your grade!

If you were absent today you will still take tomorrow's test. We didn't learn anything today or yesterday that's on it, nor did you miss any review.

When I get home I will post a picture of the topics we listed on the board for the test. I don't have good enough service to email myself the pic in my classroom....stupid T-Mobile....

I wish you all the best! See you manana!

Test Topics:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2's Day HW

Test Friday! Or Thursday! We'll vote tomorrow (in case you don't want to have the test on pep rally day)...

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook regarding combinations of functions:

Page 58: 5,7,9,13,15,17,19

*5,7, and 9 have parts a,b,c,d--do all of them!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday's Homework...

Last Monday for a bit, we have a 3 day weekend next week!

Tonight, please finish up section 1.4--in your textbook (or on the photocopied page I provided in class), please complete the following:

page 49: 15-26 (For each graph please write the equation of the function).

Tomorrow we'll review these answers in class...

And just a heads up...we will have a test on sections 1.2 to 1.4 in class on Friday!

Friday, October 4, 2013

It's the Weekend!

Let's hope the Giants win this weekend for the sake of my sanity.

Enjoy your weekend! Go outside! Eat some delicious food! Do something nice for someone!

This weekend, please complete the 24 questions I provided in class regarding graphing/writing equations of functions with shifts/reflections. On Monday we'll pair up and look at the answers and get ready to move on to section 1.5--combinations of functions.

Also, don't forget--we have a quiz Monday based on "graphical analysis".

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tomorrow's Friday!

I hope you all had a good time being outside today...

Tomorrow we'll start class with a short quiz. Then, we'll do some more work dealing with shifting, reflecting, and stretching functions.

There's no homework tonight--just be ready to work tomorrow!

Enjoy your afternoon!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Algebra Aerobics Tomorrow!

I can't wait for ALGEBRA AEROBICS tomorrow! Woooooo!

Tonight, please get ready by practicing some graphing with shifts/reflections...for homework, please complete:

page 49: 51 - 63 (odd)

*Ignore the directions. For each of these I want you to graph the function by hand*

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

2's Day

Guess what...we have a pop quiz tomorrow! The quiz will be similar to the homework we had over the weekend (or after our test Friday) and went over yesterday. You will have to read a graph to determine when a function is...

  • Increasing/decreasing/constant
  • Positive/negative
  • Domain/Range
  • X and Y intercepts
  • Evaluate the function (Ex: f(3))
  • "Find all values of x such that f(x) = 4"
Be ready!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook: page 49: 33 - 38.

Tomorrow we'll finish our notes so that we can do some algebra aerobics on Thursday!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Last Day of September!

Can you believe it's almost October already?

Tonight, please complete the Type 2 provided in class regarding shifting/reflecting graphs. You must complete questions 1-5. Number 6 (a through d) will NOT be graded--so don't worry about it. Just finish 1-5!

Tomorrow we'll recap and get ready for some Algebra aerobics.

Enjoy your afternoon!

Friday, September 27, 2013


First off, enjoy your weekend! Hopefully the GMen can get their first win on Sunday. (Probably not :( )

This weekend please complete the worksheet with 8 questions based on the graph of a piecewise function. You all grabbed this after you finished your test--many of you also completed this after your test, and thus don't have any homework. Unless...

Period A: Please also complete page 48, 27 - 32. This WILL be checked Monday. It is of the utmost importance that you all stay quiet while we have a test, even if many of you are done. It's only fair that we provide the same quiet environment we had to our classmates. Give them the same respect we gave you.

See you all Monday for the start to our next section!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Test Tomorrow!

Tonight, just STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!

Get an A!

Make sure you know the following:

  • Finding slope (including 0, undefined)
  • Finding the slope and y-intercept of an equation in standard form (solve for y!)
  • Write the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to ____ and through ____
  • Find an equation that represents a function
  • Recognize if ordered pairs/table/mapping represent a function
  • Evaluating functions (ex: f(3) or g(x+1)
  • Domain and range (especially with square roots and fractions)
  • Increasing, Decreasing, Constant (use x values to write intervals)
  • Vertical Line Test
  • Even and Odd functions (know how they're symmetric)
  • Relative Minima/Maxima on the graphing calculator
Good luck!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday HW

1/2 day tomorrow...we'll be getting ready for the post-test that we'll take on Friday!

Tonight, please complete the following regarding even and odd functions:

p. 39: 49,51,53,54,57,61,62,63,65,67,68

Enjoy! See you all tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday HW

Tonight, please complete the 12 problems regarding even and odd functions (6 graphically, 6 algebraically)  that I provided to you in class.

Good luck!

STAR assessment tomorrow!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Back to Work!

We finally started learning something totally new! Even and odd functions! Get pumped up like I am!

Tonight, please complete the 10 multiple choice questions provided in class. These will be collected and graded, so make sure you get them done!

Also, remember that we have a TEST coming up this FRIDAY. I won't be around to study after school Wednesday (meeting) or Thursday (1/2 day), so make sure you focus in class! Start studying now so you can ask any questions that arise as the week progresses!

Friday, September 20, 2013

PreCalc HW...(that includes you, juniors who were at the assembly today...)'s some weekend homework...a little more practice with piecewise functions, finding maxima/minima on the calculator, some evaluating functions....and more....

Please complete p. 39: 1-4; 29-34; 41, 45; 105, 107

On Monday we'll get into some even/odd functions (new stuff)! I hope you're excited--I know I am!

As always, email with any questions!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Back to School Night!

It's back to school night! Woop! Hopefully I'll meet some of your parents, guardians, siblings, etc. tonight!
Tonight, please complete the piecewise worksheet provided in class (we already did the front!) Remember, I'm collecting and grading it, so take your time!

Also, explore those links on the right I showed you in class. There a great place to start if you need help! There're tons of awesome resources! I'll be adding more as I find them!

And tomorrow's Friday! One more day of hard work!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Second Blog Post! (Wednesday HW)

It's hump dayyy!

Tonight, please complete the "finding domain algebraically" worksheet provided in class. You can use the table we created in class to help! You only have to find the domain. Don't worry about the range for the homework tonight (we would just look at the graph on our calculator to discuss the range). Good luck!

Tomorrow we'll talk a little bit more about piecewise functions; then, we'll discuss relative minima and maxima.

Then, on Friday, we'll explore even and odd functions to finish up section 1.3!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

First Blog Post!

It's the first ever PreCalc blog post!

Check the list on the right for the topics on tomorrow's quiz!
Tonight, you have to create three examples for types of functions: one example for one-to-one, one for one-to-many, and one example for many-to-one. The definitions of these are provided on your powerpoint slides--read them and do your best to create your own example of each type of function. Then, google it! Check your answer!

In case you forgot your powerpoint slides (or lost them), here you go...
A function is one-to-one  if…
For each x-value there is exactly one y-value
For each y-value there is exactly one x-value
Horizontal Line Test!
A function is one-to-many if…
For some inputs there are multiple outputs
A function is many-to-one if…
Some output is associated with multiple different inputs
Multiple inputs give the same output